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Volunteers Training Hui Online!

Fri, 19 Nov


Online Event


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Volunteers Training Hui Online!
Volunteers Training Hui Online!

Time & Location

19 Nov 2021, 6:00 pm – 21 Nov 2021, 12:00 pm

Online Event

About the Event

UPDATE: Volunteers Training Hui (VTH) and the National Annual General Meeting (AGM) will now be taking place ONLINE ON ZOOM. The timings are as follows: 

  • Friday 19th November 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm (2 hours)
  • Saturday 20th November 10:00 am - 12:00 pm (2 hours)
  • Sunday 21st November 10:00 am - 12:00 pm (2 hours) 

The National AGM follows on Sunday 21st November 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm. Our National Information Officer, Sophie, has emailed AGM details to all the officeholders. 


It’s that time of the year again… Volunteers Training Hui (VTH) is coming up!

VTH is a three day event for UN Youth volunteers from all over Aoteraoa. We come together to get to know each other, learn more about the organisation, eat yum food, have fun… the list goes on!

Our volunteers are the power behind the mahi UN Youth achieves annually. VTH is about giving our volunteers the support, skills and networks they need to do the best in their roles.

Additionally, the 2021 National Volunteer Awards will be presented. Check out all the details on this page, including how to nominate someone.

VTH is open to ALL volunteers, not only outgoing and incoming officeholders. To be eligible, you must have volunteered at least once at a UN Youth event and/or held a UN Youth office in 2021. However, spaces are limited. If we receive more applications than we have spaces, outgoing and incoming officeholders with reporting obligations at the AGM will be allocated first.


  • When: Friday 19th November 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm (2 hours), Saturday 20th November 10:00 am - 12:00 pm (2 hours), Sunday 21st November 10:00 am - 12:00 pm (2 hours) 
  • Location: Online on Zoom
  • Cost: Free. This cost will cover everything for VTH.
    • Who: VTH is open to ALL volunteers, not only outgoing and incoming officeholders. To be eligible, you must have volunteered at least once at a UN Youth event and/or held a UN Youth office in 2021, or be an incoming officeholder for 2022 . However, spaces are limited. If we receive more applications than we have spaces, outgoing and incoming officeholders with reporting obligations at the AGM will be allocated first.

     Registrations close at 11:59pm on Monday 16th November.    

Remember you must RSVP to attend!


As a part of VTH, the National Executive is putting together engaging workshops and sessions to make the most of our time together. We would love to hear what YOU would like VTH to look like this year. If there is a specific skill, area of the organisation, professional development advice, or anything that you would like to see at VTH – we want to hear about it.

Fill out your opinions by completing the registration form!


  • General enquiries about VTH: (National President)
  • Administration/registration enquiries: (National Information Officer)
  • Welfare enquiries: (National People Officer).


Volunteers Training Hui (VTH) is a three day event for UN Youth Volunteers from all over Aotearoa. VTH is an incredibly important part of UN Youth providing support for our Volunteers, and we’d love to see you there!

In particular, VTH is a fantastic opportunity to:

Meet other UN Youth Volunteers

  • UN Youth has nearly 150 Officeholder Volunteers from all across New Zealand, in a huge range of different roles – from Regional Event Committees to Te Kawekawe members.

Learn how to be more involved with UN Youth

  • There are so many different ways that people get involved, you never know, you might get inspired by a cool role or event that someone else is currently doing!

Get to know other people in your region or committee

  • VTH is especially a great chance for your new Regional Council/event committee to get to know each other – or at least meet other people who might be in the same region as you!

Learn more about how UN Youth works

  • It’s really easy to forget how much of a big organisation UN Youth is. We are New Zealand’s BIGGEST youth for youth charity – reaching thousands of young people each year.
  • VTH is a chance to learn more about the operational and background administrative side to UN Youth – how do our financial policies work, or what kind of systems do we have in place to make registrations easier etc.

Learn lots of new skills

  • In the past, we have run workshops on a wide range of things, from finance, educational content writing, setting up events and registration forms on the website, and much more!

Develop professional knowledge, skills and network

  • One of our favourite things about UN Youth is that we are an organisation about giving young people the chance to lead and be responsible for things that we otherwise would not have.

Celebrate the amazing work we have done this year

  • VTH is also a chance for the National Executive to say massive thanks to every single person that volunteered in UN Youth this year. The highlight of this is our annual National Volunteer Awards!

Look towards the future

  • A lot of the people going to VTH will be incoming Regional Councils, National Committees, and even potential National Executive members. This is your chance to become friends and put a face to people you may be working with throughout 2022.

Most importantly, to have fun!!!


During VTH, we will present the National Volunteer Awards 2021. These are a celebration of our amazing volunteers and our overall survival of the hecticness of 2021!

Nominations for the Wysocki-Bates, Daria Brankin and Outstanding Alumni awards can be submitted by any volunteer. The other awards may only be nominated by certain individuals, as outlined below. With the exception of the Presidential and Regional Citations, the National Executive will select the final recipients of each award. If an award does not receive any nominations that meet its criteria, it may not be presented.

Nominations close at 11:59pm Monday 1st November. Submit your nomination via this form. You cannot nominate yourself.


Wysocki-Bates Award for the Most Outstanding Contribution towards Youth Involvement in the United Nations;

This award will be given to the Member who has contributed to involving the youth of New Zealand in UN Youth in the most outstanding way. This person must have given service to the organisation in several ways. They may have managed a special project for the organisation or worked in a number of official and unofficial roles, and achieved results above expectation. These results may be in fundraising, membership, conference and activity organisation and/or policy development. This person must be a professional all round member of the UN Youth team. Please note that current National Presidents are not eligible to receive this award.

Daria Brankin Award for the Most Generous and Supportive Member of UN Youth New Zealand;

The Daria Brankin Award for the Most Supportive and Generous Member of UN Youth recognises the Member who stands out most to the National Executive because of their friendship and support towards others, their cooperation and teamwork, their readiness to work, and most importantly, their willingness to place the interests of Members as their first priority within the organisation. The recipient does not need to be a volunteer. If there is not at least one clear nominee for this award, it may be appropriate for it not to be given that year. It is also acceptable that this award be given to the same Member more than once.

Outstanding Alumni Award;

The Outstanding Alumni Award recognises a UN Youth alumni who, through their achievements, has made an outstanding contribution in their chosen field. Their pursuit of excellence may be in areas such as (but not limited to) volunteer work or community service, education, science, business, diplomacy or law. The recipient should embody the spirit of UN Youth as an organisation that inspires people to make a difference and be a role model for current UN Youth volunteers and members. This award is not limited to an achievement in the past year. The recipient must have had some form of UN Youth involvement in the past. This past involvement must include at least one of the following: being a Regional Council or National Executive officer; a member of a Regional or National Event staff or International Delegation staff; an appointee for a special role; a member of a Global Development Tour or New Zealand Schools’ Delegation to THIMUN or Pacific Project delegation or an attendee of at least one of UN Youth’s national events (NZ Model UN, Youth Declaration or National Tertiary Event). The recipient can be under 25 years, but cannot be a current volunteer (though an immediate Past National President could be eligible to apply).

Cutfield Gavel for the Most Successful Region;

The Cutfield Gavel is awarded to the most successful UN Youth Regional Council. The Cutfield Gavel is awarded annually to the region whose work has been the most outstanding or to the region with the most outstanding regional initiatives. Consideration is given to evidence of passionate regional volunteers, healthy regional culture, empowering leadership and success at making progress towards UN Youth’s goals and vision. The relevant period for the award is the 2020 Calendar year. All UN Youth Regions are automatically nominated for this role, and the recipient Region will have the Gavel received by its 2020 Regional President who will then hold the Gavel on behalf of the Region.

Presidential Citation;

This award is the citation of the National President of UN Youth. The award is given to a member or collective of UN Youth who have contributed significantly through their commitment to and work for UN Youth. This selection is made purely at the National President’s discretion and may not be awarded to the present National President.

Regional Citations;

This award is the citation of each Regional President of UN Youth. Regional Citations will recognise the outstanding efforts and commitment of one member each year in each of their respective regions. Any member of a UN Youth Region (including Regional Councillors and regionally appointed officeholders) may be eligible for this award. Past and present Regional Presidents and National Executive members may not receive this award. A member may only receive a Regional Citation once.

There will be three criteria to be considered by Regional President: how much the nominee has participated in regional events and opportunities; how committed the nominee has been to UN Youth, the Region and what UN Youth and the Region aim to achieve; and whether the nominee has done anything to innovate and improve the Region’s operations.

Each Regional Citation is selected at the sole discretion of the respective Regional President.


The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of UN Youth New Zealand will be held on Sunday 21 November 2021, Online at 3:00 PM.

Further details of the AGM’s precise location, as well as all reports to be considered at the AGM, will be provided when formal notice of the AGM is given at the end of October.

The purpose of the AGM is to receive the reports of the 2021 National Executive and 2021 Regional Presidents. Additionally, the 2022 National President,  2022 Volunteers Representative, and Directors to the Board. For queries regarding the AGM, please contact the National President, Teresa Lee at

Proxy Voting

Voting Members of UN Youth may cast votes for all motions and elections to be decided at the AGM by way of proxy. Proxy voting rules and forms will be released upon the issuing of formal notice of the AGM at the end of October.

This registration submission authorises UN Youth New Zealand the right to capture my image and likeness in photos, videos and other media footage (“footage”). Additionally, it authorises UN Youth New Zealand the right to edit, publish and distribute any and all footage of me without any compensation to be used for any lawful purpose (e.g. creating promotional material). This registration submission authorises UN Youth New Zealand the right to collect, store and use any and all demographic information of me to be used for any lawful purpose (e.g. tracking who our organisation is reaching). This demographic information will not be individually identifiable. The foregoing authorisations shall continue indefinitely unless I otherwise revoke them in writing to


  • 2 hours

    VTH Day 1


  • 2 hours

    VTH Day 2

1 more item available


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    Sale ended



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©2021 UN Youth New Zealand, a registered charity (CC46424). The United Nations Association of New Zealand (The United Nations Youth Association of New Zealand Branch) Inc is the youth arm of the United Nations Association of New Zealand, a member of the World Federation of the United Nations Associations (WFUNA).

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